a credit card against a fixed deposit, is one of the initial methods to help you get acquainted to the world of cards. among the many factors that banks consider, your income and credit history fall at the foremost of this decision. these steps are taken primarily to avoid a situation where the cardholder is unable to repay the loaned amount. to tackle this insecurity, the idea of issuing a credit card against a fixed deposit came into existence.
the fundamental concept of issuing such a credit card is to enable a situation where a borrower can own a credit card after depositing funds into a fixed deposit. this FD acts as a collateral to the bank in case the borrower defaults. this is a chance for a borrower with a damaged credit history and/or a low income to increase his credit score while freeing himself from the debt trap of a card.
for credit cards against fixed deposits, the credit limit is a certain percentage (80-85% as observed for top banks in India) of the total amount in your fixed deposit. so, if you have an FD where you have deposited ₹20,000, then your credit limit would be ₹16,000.
who is this card for?
although a secured credit card can be possessed by anyone, it is best recommended for the following:
what are the benefits?
there are plenty of benefits associated with a secured credit card when compared to an unsecured credit card. some of these include:
but are there any downsides to this?
though this may sound too good to be true, there are a couple of points that you must be aware of when applying for a credit card against a fixed deposit.
ICICI Coral credit card
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CBI Aspire Visa card
what are the benefits?
to understand the repercussions involved when you are unable to repay the bank, let’s look at an example:
assume that you have an FD of ₹20,000. if you spend ₹10,000 and are unable to repay the bank, the bank will take ₹10,000 with interest from your FD. now, you will be left with the remainder amount in your FD and a lower credit limit. in addition to this, your credit score will also take a hit. this will also create repercussions in your credit history and you might find it difficult to apply for loans or other credit cards in the future.
it is always advisable to clear debt as and when possible and bring your score up to enjoy many other benefits in the future too.
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